Sandbags and Corebags as a barbell alternative

When you have been training at home for a while and feel like bodyweight and resistance band exercises are getting a bit repetitive, there is a fitness tool that can help you progress in your training. Sandbags and Corebags are a unique piece of equipment that can take your training to the next level. 

The difference between Corebags and sandbags

Both sandbags and Corebags are soft tools similar in use, however, there are a few differences. 

The main difference between these two tools is that Corebags provide stable weight while there is going to be a constant internal movement when using sandbags. This, in turn, adds difficulty to an exercise by challenging proprioceptive awareness.

Depending on the brand, sandbags’ insides can move to a different degree. The more sandbags move around, the more challenging they are going to be to use. It is, therefore, important to choose the right bag for your fitness level and goals.

a woman performing a lunge using a sandbag
Sandbags provide more challenge by constant internal movement

Another difference between the two types of bags includes slightly different handles. For instance, sandbags have additional handles at each end which allow swinging movements, while Corebags don’t. 

In terms of functionality, Corebags are not meant to be slammed, while there are some brands of sandbags that are built to endure the slamming. Both types of bags, however, should be treated with care and not dragged on rough surfaces. Finally, sandbags tend to go up higher in weight compared to Corebags. 

Once again, depending on the brand, both varieties of bags might be called “sandbags” or “power bags”. It is, therefore, important to read the specification to choose the right product for you. 

Advantages of Corebags and sandbags

Safety and convinience

As far as home gym equipment goes, sandbags and Corebags are certainly more floor-friendly than dumbbells and kettlebells. Furthermore, you are less likely to bruise yourself while performing exercises or if you drop the bag on the floor. 

Grip options

Both sandbags and Corebags come with a variety of handles and allow for several grip options. It is also possible to simply hold a bag by the sides (e.g. chest press), in an underarm hold (e.g. during lunges), or in a sack carry hold on one of your shoulders (e.g. during squats). 

Versatility of use

Sandbags and Corebags are great to include in your programme regardless of the type of training you perform. They are great for strength, conditioning, and functional training. You can use them together with other equipment and bodyweight exercises. 

Can serve as a learning tool

Corebags and sandbags are a perfect tool for learning new exercises and mastering movement patterns. For instance, barbell front squats can be challenging to master but you can get the benefits of this exercise by placing a Corebag or sandbag in a front rack position. 

Furthermore, the comfort of using the bags will allow you to fully focus on a movement you perform without worrying about the weight slipping out of your hands and causing an injury. 

When it comes to learning more complex dynamic movements, such as clean, Corebags and sandbags are an excellent solution for beginners to get the hang of proper technique before moving on to using a barbell. 

a woman performing clean and press using a corebag
Corebags have a perfect shape for practicing clean and press movement

Suitable for different fitness levels

Both types of equipment offer a variety of weight, starting from 5kg. This means, regardless of your fitness level you can find a suitable weight. It might take time to get used to the bags compared to free weight equipment you would normally use. Thus, it might be a good idea to start with a lighter weight (especially with sandbags) to get the best out of this tool without sacrificing technique.


Either Corebags or sandbags are suitable to use for most exercises performed with a barbell such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, bent-over rows, overhead press, and chest press. In addition, your hip thrust and glute bridges will definitely feel more comfortable. 

Contrary to a barbell, the bags are comfortable to hold in a front rack position (or underarm hold). This will challenge your core more during squats or lunges. 

a woman performing a front squat using a corebag
Corebags are convininet to hold in a front rack position

Placing a bag on one of your shoulders in a sack carry hold will force your core to resist lateral flexion, thus building strength and stability. You can also perform rotation exercises to strengthen your core such as woodchoppers.

Lastly, Corebags and sandbags are excellent for performing more complex compound movements such as clean and snatch. You can also use either of the bags to combine movements, for example, squat and press.

a woman performing squat and press using a corebag
Corebag used in sack carry hold in squat and press exercise with added difficulty of changing sides on tops on the movement

Things to remember

You are certainly less likely to bruise yourself with one of these bags compared to a barbell or dumbbells. Nevertheless, it is still important to be cautious when performing exercises with these tools. Make sure to choose the weight suitable for your fitness level and the training you intend to perform. 

Finally, even though both sandbags and Corebags are soft tools, they are made from durable material that can be a bit rough on your skin. Therefore, you might want to choose wearing long-sleeves when performing an exercise such as clean to avoid scratching your shoulders and arms.