the Popcorn Fitness Posts

When it comes to fitness, even the most motivated and experienced people find themselves going through rough patches. Whether you find yourself hitting a plateau or struggling to stay consistent, this is simply a part of the process. However, when you start feeling like you don’t want to go on,…

Mindset Motivation

There are many factors that can make or break your gym session. A warm-up is definitely one of those things. It might be tempting sometimes to save time and jump straight into doing exercises. However, 5-10 minutes spent warming up can make a big difference to how your workout goes.…

Gym Weight Training

Often you might feel like you are working really hard on your fitness programme but not seeing the results you want. While there are a lot of factors involved in achieving your goals, sometimes we might focus on minor things and miss out on bigger issues. Different training goals will…

General Fitness Gym Programming

When it comes to training, a lot of people think that the way they train is the best way. A while ago I overheard a personal trainer telling her client that circuit training is the ultimate type of training for general fitness. Since I always try to be open-minded about…

Cardio Gym Programming Weight Training

Just like with any aspect of fitness, there are numerous articles written on the optimal rest period times for different fitness goals. However, if your goal is to build muscle it doesn’t mean that you will exclusively train in hypertrophy range (6-12 reps) and take rest breaks best for muscle…

Gym Weight Training

Cardio is not only a great way to burn calories but a necessary activity for a healthy heart. While doing any type of cardio seems pretty straightforward compared to lifting weights, it is important to understand the different intensity levels and how to use them in your training.  How to…


When it comes to achieving progressive overload there are a lot of tools you can use to challenge your body. If you’ve been training for a while and feel confident with your form and technique, you can look into using different training methods. Introducing supersets into your sessions can challenge…

Exercises Gym Programming Weight Training

When it comes to building muscle there are a lot of components at play apart from picking up and putting down the weights. If you feel like you are working hard but not seeing desired progress it might be time to have a look at the factors that influence muscle…

Gym Weight Training

Training at home might not be for everyone. If you are someone who loves going to the gym for the variety of equipment it offers or you simply enjoy the social aspect of training, then working out in your living room might sound far from ideal. However, just because the…

Motivation Training at Home

When I first started lifting weights in a gym I based my programme on muscle groups. I researched what muscles group there are, which of them would work together and selected exercises appropriate for my fitness level. While there isn’t anything wrong with this, there is a better way to…

Gym Programming