the Popcorn Fitness Posts

Setbacks along your fitness journey are a completely normal phenomenon. You might not always know what is the best way for you to exercise while achieving your goals, enjoying it and living the rest of your life at the same time. No matter what caused you to go off your…


When we join a gym or start exercising, footwear isn’t something of particular concern to us. However, whether you are lifting weights or doing a light resistance band workout, your feet play an important part in your body mechanics. Training barefoot would be ideal for our bodies. This can be…

Gym Weight Training

When we sign up for a gym membership or undertake a new exercise routine, we are most likely hoping to achieve certain goals. However, if it feels like you are doing everything right but still not seeing results, you might be missing a crucial ingredient – progressive overload.  What is…

Gym Weight Training

Most gyms nowadays offer a variety of classes: from traditional group cycle to Les Mills classes to things called ‘full body assault’ and ‘ab attack’. While I certainly wouldn’t recommend anyone ‘assaulting their body’ or ‘attacking their abs’, a well-planned class by an experienced instructor who knows what they are…

Group Exercise

Without a doubt, gyms are a convenient invention for improving our physical fitness. Most gyms offer a wide variety of equipment that people of all levels can benefit from. It is also easier to track your progress and implement progressive overload in a gym environment. However, gyms can be intimidating…

Gym Motivation

Every good training programme should include the use of free weights. The type of free weights and to what extent you are going to use them will depend on your fitness level, goals and preferences. However, before adding a bunch of popular exercises to your programme it is important to…

Equipment Gym

When it comes to setting exercise/training goals, the first thing that comes to mind could be doing your first pull up, squatting a certain weight or achieving a desired physique. However, if longevity and health are important to you then it would be necessary to eventually look at the bigger…


Deadlifts are one of the fundamental exercises that you are likely to see in any gym. Despite their popularity, this exercise and other variations of hip dominant exercises require an understanding of what joint movements take place. This knowledge will help you perform these exercises correctly and safely to build…

Exercises Gym Weight Training

Stretching is an important part of a fitness routine and can be beneficial for your muscles before and after a workout. However, not all stretches are made equal. Some of them should be used before a session as a part of a warm-up while others after your session during a…

Gym Training at Home

Whether you are new to lifting weights or have been doing it for a while but aren’t getting the desired results, there might be a few things you could improve. We’ve all started somewhere, and we’ve all made mistakes at the start. And with the amount of information and misinformation…

Gym Weight Training