the Popcorn Fitness Posts

Often, when we think about getting in better shape joining the gym or purchasing a home workout plan is probably the first thing that comes to mind. While either of those is a great idea, it is important to remember that the best way to increase our daily activity is…

Cardio General Fitness

Whether you are training for specific goals or for general fitness, it’s a good idea to change your exercise routine every once in a while. Very often, the reason you are not sticking with the routine or not getting the results you want is simply because it is not the…

General Fitness

When I worked in a health shop, workout supplements was always one of the most popular sections. This is not surprising at all. The fitness industry makes us believe that we can’t have a good workout without a strong stimulant and that chugging protein shakes is absolutely essential to building…


While there’s nothing wrong with training to look better, focusing solely on achieving a certain physique can be a frustrating fitness journey. However, changing your mindset even slightly about your physique goals and why you exercise can help you to stay motivated. Below are 5 signs that you’ve got the…


When it comes to upper body training there are two main movement patterns: pull and push. Each of them consists of a vertical and horizontal variation. Choosing exercises for your routine based on movement patterns is a great way to ensure you have a balanced routine. Today I am going to…

Exercises Programming

When putting together a training programme it is important to choose a variety of exercises and equipment. Not only will this help you get the best results, but it will also provide you with a knowledge of what exercises are suitable in particular circumstances. While ideally, you want to focus…

Exercises Programming

When we think about weight training the first thing that comes to mind is probably muscular and shredded people. In fact, the majority of people start lifting weights to change their body composition. However, the benefits of strength training go far beyond how it can make you look and everyone…

Motivation Weight Training

The majority of upper body exercises are performed in either seated or standing positions. However, one of the more underrated ways to increase the difficulty of your upper body training is by using more challenging stance variations. This is particularly relevant if you train at home and use resistance bands…

Exercises Gym Training at Home

The number of reps you should do per exercise can be a somewhat confusing topic when you start researching information online. This is particularly relevant if you are new to lifting weights and simply want to put on some muscle and get a bit stronger. In this article, I’m going…

Programming Weight Training

Squats are usually a staple in any lower body strength or muscle-building programme. Without a doubt, they are an excellent exercise when performed correctly. Often though, when we think about squats we automatically picture someone performing barbell back squats. However, most people don’t realise that the barbell back squat is…

Gym Weight Training