Netflix and train: The Witcher Workout Game

When you stuck at home either by choice or not, it’s easy to get comfortable on a sofa in front of the screen for an entire day. In fact, it might sound like a perfect day. The only thing that can make it better is including a small workout session for the benefit of your physical and mental health. The good news, you can move your body while watching your favourite show and have some fun with it.

There are a lot of TV show drinking games out on the Internet and it got me thinking, why not substitute drinking part with exercise? I decided to use the Netflix series The Witcher for this workout game. Why The Witcher? Firstly, it is the kind of show you’d want to rewatch several times. Secondly, if you follow the instructions below you are guaranteed to get your heart pumping. So here we go!

The Witcher Workout Game

Perform 10 squats or 10 lunges when:

  • Someones says “Witcher”
  • You see a new creature or a monster

Perform 5 pushups when:

  • Geralt says “hmmm” or groans
  • Jaskier sings

Perform 5 burpees when:

  • Geralt says “f*ck”
  • “Destiny” is mentioned

Perform 10 jumping jacks or 10 high knees when:

  • Someone dies, including monsters*
  • Geralt gets hurt

*multiple deaths in battles count for 10 reps

Having tried this workout myself with episode one I must say I found it equally entertaining and tough. You can of course make tweaks and change exercises that you can’t perform for example due to injuries – chair squats will do just as well! 

It is also easy enough to adapt to any show you like. All you have to do is find a drinking game online and substitute the drinking part with exercises. Alternatively, if you know a show inside out you can create your own game.

Happy exercising!

Inspired by The Witcher Drinking Game