Category: <span>Programming</span>

Often you might feel like you are working really hard on your fitness programme but not seeing the results you want. While there are a lot of factors involved in achieving your goals, sometimes we might focus on minor things and miss out on bigger issues. Different training goals will…

General Fitness Gym Programming

When it comes to training, a lot of people think that the way they train is the best way. A while ago I overheard a personal trainer telling her client that circuit training is the ultimate type of training for general fitness. Since I always try to be open-minded about…

Cardio Gym Programming Weight Training

When it comes to achieving progressive overload there are a lot of tools you can use to challenge your body. If you’ve been training for a while and feel confident with your form and technique, you can look into using different training methods. Introducing supersets into your sessions can challenge…

Exercises Gym Programming Weight Training

When I first started lifting weights in a gym I based my programme on muscle groups. I researched what muscles group there are, which of them would work together and selected exercises appropriate for my fitness level. While there isn’t anything wrong with this, there is a better way to…

Gym Programming

When it comes to upper body training there are two main movement patterns: pull and push. Each of them consists of a vertical and horizontal variation. Choosing exercises for your routine based on movement patterns is a great way to ensure you have a balanced routine. Today I am going to…

Exercises Programming

When putting together a training programme it is important to choose a variety of exercises and equipment. Not only will this help you get the best results, but it will also provide you with a knowledge of what exercises are suitable in particular circumstances. While ideally, you want to focus…

Exercises Programming

The number of reps you should do per exercise can be a somewhat confusing topic when you start researching information online. This is particularly relevant if you are new to lifting weights and simply want to put on some muscle and get a bit stronger. In this article, I’m going…

Programming Weight Training

So you’ve got your training split in place, you know how much time you can spend per session and now the time has come to start choosing exercises. However, you don’t want to simply select popular exercises you can find online. Below are some of the things to keep in…

Gym Programming Weight Training

While achieving a desired physical appearance is one of the main exercise goals for most people, muscle imbalances are something that shouldn’t be ignored. From a beginner to someone with years of training experience, they can affect all of us and might cause injuries down the line.  What are muscle…

Gym Programming Weight Training

Choosing an optimal training split is like solving a puzzle. You want to make sure you train all your muscles, get adequate recovery, and finally make it work with your other commitments. All of that might sound overwhelming. However, the first step in choosing a training split is to identify…

Gym Programming Training at Home Weight Training