Category: <span>Training at Home</span>

Training at home might not be for everyone. If you are someone who loves going to the gym for the variety of equipment it offers or you simply enjoy the social aspect of training, then working out in your living room might sound far from ideal. However, just because the…

Motivation Training at Home

The majority of upper body exercises are performed in either seated or standing positions. However, one of the more underrated ways to increase the difficulty of your upper body training is by using more challenging stance variations. This is particularly relevant if you train at home and use resistance bands…

Exercises Gym Training at Home

Stretching is an important part of a fitness routine and can be beneficial for your muscles before and after a workout. However, not all stretches are made equal. Some of them should be used before a session as a part of a warm-up while others after your session during a…

Gym Training at Home

While core (abs) workouts are often solely sought after to achieve a toned appealing midsection, core muscles play an essential role in maintaining a pain-free body and good posture. Having knowledge about training your core properly will save you from performing ineffective and potentially unsafe popular core exercises. In this…

Exercises Gym Training at Home

When you have been training at home for a while and feel like bodyweight and resistance band exercises are getting a bit repetitive, there is a fitness tool that can help you progress in your training. Sandbags and Corebags are a unique piece of equipment that can take your training…

Equipment Training at Home Weight Training

Choosing an optimal training split is like solving a puzzle. You want to make sure you train all your muscles, get adequate recovery, and finally make it work with your other commitments. All of that might sound overwhelming. However, the first step in choosing a training split is to identify…

Gym Programming Training at Home Weight Training

We’ve all been there – you are all set for a killer workout but your body is having none of it. Regardless of what’s making you struggle during a session, having a bad workout is completely normal. This definitely doesn’t mean you should give up! There are a few things…

Gym Training at Home Weight Training

When it comes to making progress in a gym we often think of lifting more weight or performing more reps. However, there are many more ways to challenge your body both in a gym and at home. Below are my top methods to increase the difficulty of exercises and the…

Gym Training at Home Weight Training

If I had an opportunity to build a garage gym at home with all the equipment I need I would never step into a gym again. However, the two main issues with building a home gym are: you need to have sufficient dedicated space and you must be ready to…

Equipment Training at Home

When you stuck at home either by choice or not, it’s easy to get comfortable on a sofa in front of the screen for an entire day. In fact, it might sound like a perfect day. The only thing that can make it better is including a small workout session…

Training at Home