Category: <span>Exercises</span>

When it comes to achieving progressive overload there are a lot of tools you can use to challenge your body. If you’ve been training for a while and feel confident with your form and technique, you can look into using different training methods. Introducing supersets into your sessions can challenge…

Exercises Gym Programming Weight Training

When it comes to upper body training there are two main movement patterns: pull and push. Each of them consists of a vertical and horizontal variation. Choosing exercises for your routine based on movement patterns is a great way to ensure you have a balanced routine. Today I am going to…

Exercises Programming

When putting together a training programme it is important to choose a variety of exercises and equipment. Not only will this help you get the best results, but it will also provide you with a knowledge of what exercises are suitable in particular circumstances. While ideally, you want to focus…

Exercises Programming

The majority of upper body exercises are performed in either seated or standing positions. However, one of the more underrated ways to increase the difficulty of your upper body training is by using more challenging stance variations. This is particularly relevant if you train at home and use resistance bands…

Exercises Gym Training at Home

Deadlifts are one of the fundamental exercises that you are likely to see in any gym. Despite their popularity, this exercise and other variations of hip dominant exercises require an understanding of what joint movements take place. This knowledge will help you perform these exercises correctly and safely to build…

Exercises Gym Weight Training

While core (abs) workouts are often solely sought after to achieve a toned appealing midsection, core muscles play an essential role in maintaining a pain-free body and good posture. Having knowledge about training your core properly will save you from performing ineffective and potentially unsafe popular core exercises. In this…

Exercises Gym Training at Home