Category: <span>Cardio</span>

When it comes to training, a lot of people think that the way they train is the best way. A while ago I overheard a personal trainer telling her client that circuit training is the ultimate type of training for general fitness. Since I always try to be open-minded about…

Cardio Gym Programming Weight Training

Cardio is not only a great way to burn calories but a necessary activity for a healthy heart. While doing any type of cardio seems pretty straightforward compared to lifting weights, it is important to understand the different intensity levels and how to use them in your training.  How to…


Often, when we think about getting in better shape joining the gym or purchasing a home workout plan is probably the first thing that comes to mind. While either of those is a great idea, it is important to remember that the best way to increase our daily activity is…

Cardio General Fitness

Improving cardiovascular health was one of my main fitness goals this year. For a long time, I thought that walking a lot and being generally active was enough. Besides, I’ve always felt like I wasn’t built for running outdoors. Although it’s great to be active, it is important to include…
