5 ways a warm-up can improve your gym session

There are many factors that can make or break your gym session. A warm-up is definitely one of those things. It might be tempting sometimes to save time and jump straight into doing exercises. However, 5-10 minutes spent warming up can make a big difference to how your workout goes. Below are some of the ways in which a warm-up can help you to have a great session.

1. Improves your performance

Whether you’re using machines, attempting your heaviest deadlift or going for a run, warming up is crucial. Your body needs to be prepared to handle what you put it through in the gym. Warming up for either cardio or resistance training will have similarities. You want to increase your heart rate, mobilize your joints and activate your muscles/stabilizing muscles. If you lift weights, it’s important to perform the movement with body weight/light weight.

Performing warm-up sets is an opportunity to practice the movement and ensure your technique is on point. Even though you’re performing your warm-up sets with light weight, it is still important to do it under control while maintaining tension in your whole body. Warming up with purpose while really focusing on the movement will help you achieve the best performance for a particular exercise. 

2. Helps prevent injury

Gym injuries are very common and lack of warm-up is likely to be one of the main causes. You probably don’t lift heavy objects above your head throughout the day. Imagine your shoulders and upper back going from being fairly inactive to lifting 20-30 kg. By warming up your muscles and joints you will be putting significantly less strain on them during exercises.

A good warm-up will put your joints through a functional range of motion before adding any weight. Furthermore, it increases blood flow to your muscle which in turn will decrease the risk of muscle tear. However, it’s important to remember that no warm-up will make up for poor choice or execution of exercises that can cause an injury.

3. Gives you an idea of how you feel

There probably isn’t a single person in the world who feels 100% every time they go to the gym. Doing a warm-up is a good opportunity to get feedback from your body on how you feel that day. If you were planning to do an intense cardio workout but feel sluggish by simply walking on a treadmill you might need to adjust your training plan.

Perhaps you wanted to attempt squatting your heaviest weight yet but the bar itself feels heavier than usual. This might be a good sign to take it a bit easier that day. Your warm-up is also a good time to pay attention to any aches or tightnesses in your body. If a particular muscle/joint bothers you already during a warm-up it might be a good idea to avoid loading it with heavy weights or at least choose more joint-friendly variations. 

4. Gives you time to review your session

Sometimes going to the gym is like playing the lottery. You’ve planned a kickass workout only to find out that all the equipment you need is being used. The time you spend warming up is a good opportunity to keep an eye on that piece of equipment you desperately want.

You can also scan an entire gym and think of alternatives if that guy who is trying to get his all-time PR in the squat rack doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. Use your warm-up as an opportunity to figure out how you could still have the best workout you can in a busy gym. 

5. Helps you prepare mentally for a workout

Taking your time to warm up is not only important for your body but can also help you to prepare mentally for the session. There are a lot of things you might be slightly anxious about when going to the gym. Perhaps, you’re new to the gym and still feel a bit nervous, want to try a more challenging exercise or add more weight to your lifts.

A warm-up is a good opportunity to take a few deep breaths and visualise yourself performing a particular exercise. This way you will help your brain to rehearse the skill and activate muscles more effectively. Finally, doing a warm-up will give you time to get in the zone and focus on what you are about to achieve. 

No matter what type of training you do, a warm-up is a crucial part of your session. By preparing your body physically and mentally to undergo strenuous exercise you can ensure a safe and effective workout.