Month: <span>August 2020</span>

Squats are usually a staple in any lower body strength or muscle-building programme. Without a doubt, they are an excellent exercise when performed correctly. Often though, when we think about squats we automatically picture someone performing barbell back squats. However, most people don’t realise that the barbell back squat is…

Gym Weight Training

Setbacks along your fitness journey are a completely normal phenomenon. You might not always know what is the best way for you to exercise while achieving your goals, enjoying it and living the rest of your life at the same time. No matter what caused you to go off your…


When we join a gym or start exercising, footwear isn’t something of particular concern to us. However, whether you are lifting weights or doing a light resistance band workout, your feet play an important part in your body mechanics. Training barefoot would be ideal for our bodies. This can be…

Gym Weight Training

When we sign up for a gym membership or undertake a new exercise routine, we are most likely hoping to achieve certain goals. However, if it feels like you are doing everything right but still not seeing results, you might be missing a crucial ingredient – progressive overload.  What is…

Gym Weight Training